Letter to the Front,   May 6/63

Patrick Taffy and the jar of whisky

Eckford, Wednesday Ev[ening Ma]y 6/ 63

      My Son,
         It seems to me that I am getting some what ahead of you in the letter line for I dont get many from you lately. I have not had any since the one that Hiram Polake brought and that I spoke of in my last, and then I mentioned that it was raining and it has continued to rain ever since it is now 2 days and 2 nights that it has rained very hard, and the face of the land is all afloat, and it keeps coming, I dont know but there will be a Deluge as in old times,
the weather will put a veto on all farming purposes at present, the wheat and grass look first rate and clover also, horses are getting up in price any good gelding is worth from 130 to 150 dollars. I believe uncle Green was offered 130 for his jim horse the other day,
I shall have to tell you a story there is in regard to Patrick Taffy    the story is that his father went to Marshall and had left a jar of whisky in the stable   and Pat did not like to drink that    so he detailed Tom to go to Homer and get a jug of beer and when he got back with it they put the beer and whisky together and went to drinking it,   and when his father got home he was so drunk that he had to be hauled up from the field on the stone boat
      Wm Rapp has moved into the old log house opposite Isaac Wells

thursday noon
      it has cleared off fine and pleasent and I have got to start to home in a hurry so that I cant write any more this time,   I shall try and start the box to you and Charley in a few days
From your affectionate Father

- end of letter -

1. There is a part of the date torn from the ms. It must be the evening of May 6th. PJW 5/18/99
2. This is the last letter that I have that was sent to William Ozias. Perhaps these ten letters were all that Wm managed to save. After arriving in east Tenn. the Regiment was more or less continually on the the move. PJW 5/19/99

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edited by Peter J Wait, 5/9/2000