Letter home to Eckford, 9/2/1862

first camp at Kalamazoo;
lying on a pile of straw to wright

1st page

the 2
Camp at Kalamazoo. sept
       dear Father & moth[er]

I reched the Camp yester_     it is the [strike out] most fineest plase I ever was in    we ar in barroes [barracks?]     we bank [bunk?] 8 in a stall    Gabe & I ar to gether in one stall     John is here yet     he wants to go home to day but I want him to stay a little longer    Gabe & I is a ...

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Battle Scene from letter
2nd and 3rd pages

...lying on a pile of straw to wright    we hav to go on guard at 10 o clock to day. thare is about 300 here now & more a coming to day    Lester Mumbrue is in this Company    We hav boiled beaf & bread & the butter is strong enough to hold up an iron wedg and you know that goes rather a...

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Wm's enlistment
...ganst me. but strong butter and heavy bread wouldnt induce me to leav the Company. mother I would like to hav some roots by the time I get home. my time has come to go on gard and I must go

        Good by for this time
       Wright soon

Wm. O. Wells

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edited by Peter J Wait, 9/17/03